Monday, November 30, 2009

3D Environment Final

Found a lot of things to improve. straighten out the textures... add a bit of things here and there.... then finally due to my sucky com, i can only manage to squeeze this render from a whooping 2.5hrs... This is the final and only pic i can render... Added mental ray Artificial sunlight.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3D environment

Im finally in the modeling specs!!! And this is my first assignment. A 3D environment of a WW2 war torn environment. The modeling part is easy but the texturing parts is still in need of improvement. Its my first time doing so much texture! Its exciting! Well, apart from a few hardware breakdown every now and then, everything turns out ok. I'm ahead of schedule and now i'm looking through my work again to find rooms for improvement! These are some of the pics i took for the environment.

Digital art - God of war

Another joint idea set by my classmates... God of war... decided to try out something different. Try making the drawing look water painted...